Appointments and Changes to Membership of Committees, Working Groups and Outside Bodies 2020-21




Health and Wellbeing Board


Subject to the approval of the Board at their meeting on 28 October 2020, to make the following changes to appointments:


·        To appoint Cllr Craghill, in place of Cllr Baker.

·        To appoint Shaun Jones, Deputy Locality Director, NHS England and Improvement, as the NHS England and Improvement representative, in place of Gillian Laurence.

·        To appoint Michelle Waugh, Locality Manager, NHS England and Improvement, as substitute for Shaun Jones.

·        To appoint David Kerr, Service Development Manager North Yorkshire and York at Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust as second substitute for Naomi Lonergan (replacing Colin Martin).

·        To note that Amanda Hatton, Interim Corporate Director for People will represent both Children’s Services and Adult Social Care on the Board until further notice, following the departure of Sharon Houlden.

·        With effect from 1 November 2020, to appoint Stephanie Porter, Acting Director for Primary Care and Population Health for NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group, to replace Dr Andrew Lee.